NFT collector Pranksy has been refunded the 100 Ether he spent on a digital artwork fraudulently claiming to have been composed by popular artist, Banksy. Nonfungible token collector Pransky was duped out of 97.67 Ether, worth $341,500, after the website of popular artist Banksy was hijacked to promote a fake NFT auction. However, almost all of the money has since been refunded. On Aug. 31, Pransky spotted a page on Banksy’s official website promoting an NFT auction on the popular marketplace, OpenSea . Despite voicing his misgiving as to the authenticity of the token, Pranksy opted to participate in the auction and increased the highest bid by 87 Ether ($304,500) to almost 100 ETH. It seems to be hosted on ? So could be genuine, one to watch over the next 3 days — Pranksy (@pranksy) August 31, 2021 The bid was accepted, but after a link to the OpenSea auction was removed from Banksy’s website, the NFT investor began to fear the listing may have b...